Adult Diploma Programs provides job training and an alternate pathway for adults, ages 18 or older, to earn an industry-recognized credential aligned to one of Ohio’s in-demand jobs (after passing the WorkKeys, course requirements, and assessments) AND awarded a state-issued high school diploma.
What makes this program different from a traditional high school setting is the delivery of instruction to adults. Instead of measuring academic achievement through clock hours, seat time or credits earned, the focus is on a competency-based approach that provides a self-paced option. Once competencies have been learned, adults then demonstrate mastery of skill. Each eligible adult works with the provider to create a customized student success plan.
Age: Open to adults 18+
Diploma Type: State-issued High School Diploma awarded
Testing: Students do not have to pass the OGT/Proficiency test; however, they are required to pass the ACT WorkKeys.
Duration: Program duration depends on the length of the credential program.
Requirements: No minimum number of High School credits required Adult Diploma Program Resources
22+ Adult High School Diploma Program
The 22+ Adult HSD Program helps adults earn a high school diploma. The program is free to adults who are over 22 years old, living in Ohio, and do not have a diploma or a GED.
Counselors work with adult learners to develop individual plans to identify the courses and assessments needed to graduate and earn a diploma. Providers try their best to schedule instructional dates and times to meet the needs of adult learners.
Please contact one of the 22+ Adult HSD Programs listed below where someone will answer your questions and help you enroll in a program to earn your high school diploma.
Kathryn Brennan
513-951-8490 kbrennanatchallengeudotcom Cincinnati Public Schools
Julie Thumann
513-363-6116 thumanjatcpsboedotk12dotohdotus Clermont Northeastern Local
Bob Havrilla
513-625-1211 X350 havrilla_batcneschoolsdotorg Dohn Community High School
Kevin Dunnette
513-281-6100 ext. 1040 kdunnetteatdohncincydotorg Oak Hills Local
Tim Cybulski
513-574-3200 cybulski_tatohlsddotorg Queen City Career Prep High School
Savonne Torain
614-259-8337 22plusatcareerprepschooldotcom
Testing: Students must meet the graduation requirements from the time of entry in 9th grade (i.e. earn required number of credits; pass OGT/proficiency, etc.)
Duration: Maximum of 2 consecutive years to complete program
Requirements: There are no minimum number of High School credits required but there is limit of 2 consecutive years for a student to earn credits.
Additional Requirements: No requirement to pursue higher education degree
Best For... Best for adults who want to earn a High School Diploma and want to pursue any career field (not just in-demand jobs)
Contact Information
ASHLEY KERR, EDUCATION PROGRAM SPECIALIST AshleydotKerrateducationdotohiodotgov
To receive information and deadline reminders about Ohio's 22+ Adult Diploma Program text OHEDDP to 468311.